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Formatting your text

In VisualMaker, you can use HTML and Markdown to format the texts you send in your bots. This allows messages to be more engaging and easier for your users to understand. You can apply styles such as bold, italics, underlines, links, and much more.

What are HTML and Markdown?

  • HTML: A markup language that allows you to apply advanced formatting to your texts using tags.
  • Markdown: A simpler and faster way to apply formatting, ideal for those with no coding experience.

Both formats are compatible with VisualMaker, and you can use them in your messages.

Format with HTML

Here are the HTML tags compatible with VisualMaker.

Format HTML Result
Bold <b>Text</b> Text
Italics <i>Text</i> Text
Underline <u>Text</u> Text
Strikethrough <s>Text</s> Text
Spoiler <span class="tg-spoiler">Text</span> sp
Link <a href="">Visit us</a> Visit us
Mention <a href="tg://user?id=123456789">John</a> John
Monospace <code>Text</code> Text
Code block <pre>print("code")</pre>
Code block with language <pre><code class="language-python">print("code")</code></pre> print("code")
Quote <blockquote>Be yourself</blockquote>
Be yourself
Expandable quote <blockquote expandable>Be yourself</blockquote>
Be yourself

Format with Markdown

VisualMaker also allows you to use a customized version of Markdown, ideal for those who want a quick way to apply styles.

Format Markdown Result
Bold *Text* Text
Italics \Text\ Text
Underline ^Text^ Text
Strikethrough ~Text~ Text
Spoiler |||Text||| Telegram spoiler
Link [Visit us]( Visit us
Mention [John](tg://user?id=123456789) John
Monospace •••Text••• Text
Code block +++print("code")+++
Quote >Be yourself
Be yourself

Important notes

  1. HTML vs Markdown: You can use either format depending on your preference. HTML offers greater flexibility and is recommended, while Markdown is faster and easier for beginners.
  2. Telegram limitations: Only the tags and formats mentioned in this document are supported. Any format not listed here will be ignored.
  3. Beware of errors: If there are errors in the HTML or Markdown code, the message will not be sent correctly.

With these tools, you can create more attractive and personalized messages for your bot users. Try different formats and make your messages stand out!