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Editor mode: how to use itΒΆ

When you create a bot with VisualMaker, you gain access to visual and easy-to-use tools to customize it from within your own bot. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Go to the bot you just created and press Start or send /start.

    Bots are built from within the bot itself.

  2. You will see two key buttons in your bot:

    • πŸ›  Edit: To build the menu and visual aspects of your bot.
    • πŸ”‘ Manage: To configure the bot's general settings.

VisualMaker Editor Mode


These buttons are visible only to you (as the owner) and other administrators assigned by you. Users will not see them.

Editor mode options (πŸ›  Edit)ΒΆ

From here, you can build and customize your bot.

  • Create and delete buttons and commands.
  • Rename buttons and commands.
  • Move and copy buttons and commands.
  • Set messages to send when pressing buttons or commands.
  • Set actions to execute when pressing buttons or commands.
  • Change the size of the buttons.
  • Hide or show buttons or commands.
  • Allow group use of commands.

Manage options (πŸ”‘ Manage)ΒΆ

Use this section to adjust general settings.

  • Send broadcast messages.
  • Set referral bonuses.
  • Create and delete variables.
  • Change the bot's language, applies to the bot's default messages (does not affect custom texts).
  • Set the bot's time zone.
  • Customize or disable the "Back" button.
  • Activate antiflood to prevent users from pressing buttons without control.
  • Enable maintenance mode to temporarily disable the bot and make sensitive changes.
  • Modify default notifications, such as alerts for new users or deposits.