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Creating a bot

It's time to create your first bot! Follow these simple steps (repeat them for each bot you want to create):

1️⃣ Create the bot in BotFather

  1. Open @BotFather and send /newbot.
  2. Enter a name for your bot (it can be anything).
  3. Enter a unique username for your bot (it must end in bot, e.g., MyBot_bot).
  4. Copy the generated token (click on it to copy it).

2️⃣ Set up the bot in VisualMaker

  1. Go to @VisualMakerBot and navigate to:

    🖥 Bots → ➕ New bot

  2. Paste the token you copied in the previous step.
  3. Your bot will be ready in a second.
  4. Click on the 🤖 Start bot 🤖 button to launch it and start building it.

Important information

  • The bot's token looks like this: 123456789:AAEs3Ta3rebIzkOuG_pi3Pq9nhou1Fi2e8A.
  • Do not modify the token or share it with anyone!
  • If you lose the token or it gets compromised, revoke it in @BotFather and update it in VisualMaker:

    📜 My bots → @your_bot → 🔐 Update token

What’s next?

Your bot is now created and ready to be customized. It's time to build its menus and commands. We'll explain everything in the next article.