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Action: Force chat join

This action allows you to force users to join one or more channels or groups before continuing with the bot flow. The bot must be an administrator of the specified channels or groups.

What can you do with this action?

  • Verify a user's subscription: Determines whether a user has joined one or more pre-configured channels or groups.
  • Block progress until they join: If the user is not subscribed to the required channels or groups, the bot will display a warning message (configurable) and will not allow them to proceed until they comply.
  • Return the subscription status: The action returns the user's status in each configured channel or group.

How to configure the action?

1. Create the action

  1. Go to your bot and click 🛠 Edit to enter the editor mode.
  2. Select the button or command where you want to add the action, or create a new one.
  3. Click Actions 🌟🎯 New action👥 Force chat join.
  4. Click Configure 🛠 to set up this action.

2. Configure the options

➡️ Set chats to join

Enter the ID or @usernames of the channels or groups users must join, separated by commas. Example:

@Channel1, @Group2

➡️ Main message (optional)

This message will inform the user that they must join the required channels or groups. You can include direct links to the chats using the format:


Replace n with the number of the channel or group according to the order you added them. Example:

Please join our chats to continue:
👉 Channel 1: {chat_link.1}
👉 Group 2: {chat_link.2}
Once you've joined, press the verify button.

➡️ Message if not joined (optional)

Message displayed if the user has not joined the required channels. If left empty, a default message will be shown. Example:

You have not yet joined the required channels. Please join to continue.

➡️ Verify button (optional)

Adds a lower or inline button that the user must press to confirm they have joined the channels. Example:

Verify Join

➡️ Force another user (optional)

If you want to force another user to join the channels or groups (instead of the current user), enter their ID or username. If left empty, it will apply to the user executing the action.

3. Activate the action

Click ✅ Activate to enable this action and make it functional.

What does the action return through its ID?

The action returns the status parameter, which indicates the user's status in each configured chat. This is mainly for advanced use cases where you need to dynamically retrieve the status and use it in other actions, though it is generally not necessary for verifying user subscriptions.

Format to get the status
  • ActionID: The ID of the action for Force chat join (this action).
  • (num): The chat number in the order they were added.

For example, if you configured two chats, @Channel1 and @Channel2, and you want to get the user's status in @Channel2:


Possible status values

  • member
  • administrator
  • owner
  • left
  • banned
  • restricted

Practical example

Need an example? We have a detailed guide showing step-by-step how to require users to join specific channels when starting the bot, allowing them to proceed only after joining. To see it, click here.